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cerita seorang remaja putri yang menginjak umur 17 tahun namun belum cukup dewasa untuk menghadapi segala permasalahan yang datang padanya.


Correct me if I make mistakes :)

I really don't know, why this memories just come out. Yes, its about someone. Then, lets call him, Josh.
Falling in love with someone is something that really usual. I falling in love with Josh. I do. He really makes me falling. I won't tell you how it come(I just want you to know that he really really makes me falling). At the first, falling with his love. At the end, .... I don't know how to named "that".
Josh, I think will wait for me, actually he don't. What a stupid I am. I try so hard to keep my love, but it doesn't work well. He stay away from me on purpose.

Let's stop it.

Its today. TODAY. I won't remember him again. He's part of my memory, I know that so clearly, and I know, even I try so hard, I can't get him off from my memory, but now he JUST a memory. So why I must remember him again? I already waken up from this. Someday it'll all turned out. Even I don't have now, I will find another Josh. The best one. Someday.

Bye Josh, live your life and I live mine. Please, don't come again :)

Anita SW
Depok, April 3rd, 2011

2 Responses
  1. cerita saya Says:

    aihhhh... penasaraaannn...
    aku punya blog lhooo... #bangga bgt pdhl cuma amatir dan blm ada isinya :p

  2. anitut Says:

    adaaaaaaa ajaaa. mau tau aja deh :P